
Schefflera aka Umbrella plant. WIth its unique pinwheel foliage it is definitely a conversation piece in your home. With braided trunks and standard trunk options it’s a gorgeous plant that add character to your decor.

Indirect bright light  - East facing windows or shaded south and west facing ones, or a few feet back from a unshaded south- or west facing window.

  • Direct sun can burn the foliage so make sure its getting just Indirect bright light.

Temperature & Humidity: 

Tropical plants do best in a humid and slightly warm environment. They thrive best above 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and they love a light misting of water.  

  • If your plant gets too dry, it may begin to develop brown tips on its leaves. In the event that this happens, placing it next to a humidifier will help avoid further damage to the leaves. 

  • Avoid placing the plant near an exterior door, drafty window, or in front of an air conditioning or heating vent. These excessive temperature changes will cause foliage damage.


Check between 7-10 days.  Water well and allow plant to dry down two to three inches. If in doubt give it another day to dry down. 

Ensuring all excess water drains and plant is not sitting in any excess water. (Always recommend pots with drainage holes and saucers) Ensuring all excess water drains and plant is not sitting in any excess water. (Always recommend pots with drainage holes and saucers)

  • Even consistent moisture is ideal. Schefflera like to partially dry out between waterings, but they do not like to be soggy. 

  • Cut back on watering during the colder months if the plant is not actively growing.




Zee Zee