An awesome fun plant for all ages. Great for making hanging globe air plant terrariums. Add some spanish moss and reindeer moss and you have a beautiful living art.

Learning that these two varieties of Tillandsia help with determining the specific care of your Tillandsia.

  • Mesic environments, such as rainforest canopies of Central and South America, stay moderately wet and cool for most of the year, so Tillandsia originating in mesic climates like more humidity and less direct light in general.

  • Xeric conditions occur in deserts and mountain areas where the humidity is low and the tree cover is sparse. These areas are prone to drought and fluctuating temperatures. Often growing on rocks at higher altitudes, xeric air plants are more adaptable to the drier and brighter conditions. You will notice that xeric air plants are greyer and fuzzier than mesic air plants which are greener and smoother.

Light -  

Indirect bright light  - East-facing windows or shaded south- and west-facing ones, or a few feet back from a unshaded south- or west-facing window.

Mesic varieties - indirect filtered light

Xeric varieties - prefer brighter sunlight

Temperature & Humidity: 

There are over 600 different species of Tillandsia growing in various regions. Most air plants are found in rainforest climates, but also found growing within rocks, in deserts, cliffs , and cacti.

Mesic varieties of tillandsia originate from habitats with moderate humidity

Xeric varieties of tillandsia originate from drier/desert like climates


Traditional methods of watering Tillandsia would be to dunk them in warm water ensuring they absorb water well. Let them dry and then place them back in there indirect to bright light area. Then a nice mist or humidifier to keep to humidity level up for the Mesic varieties of Tillandsia.

  • The fuzzier tillandsias are covered with trichomes which allow it to absorb nutrients which categorize it as an Xeric variety require less water, more light and good air circulation.

  • Best watering practice is to water in the morning. Allows the plant to collect its water and dry down at an appropriate rate.

Air Plant aka Tillandsia



