
Indoor and outdoor begonias will always share a place in my heart. In my garden center days this was one of the most popular outdoor and indoor flowering plant. Now people are starting to fall in love with just the foliage and keeping these beauties as a specialty houseplant. Finding the balance of light and watering.

Begonia - Polka Dot

Light -

Indirect Bright Light - East/West/South facing .

Bright Light - North/East facing window. (morning sun)

West facing window, but no direct sun from west/south location as it will cause leaf scaring.

Temperature & Humidity -

Begonias require high humidity to thrive, a challenge when growing them indoors. Rex begonias are fussier about humidity than other types. You can also set a saucer of water near your plants, which will create humidity as it evaporates.

  • You also should not spray begonias with water, especially rex begonias. Misting does create humidity, but begonias are prone to powdery mildew, so it’s better to keep the leaves dry.

Begonia - rose form tuber

Watering -

Check between 7 to 10 days. Trying to find the perfect balance at home is key. Remember good watering practices. Water until water drains from the bottom. Do not let it set in water. Adjust watering schedule to how quickly your begonia dries down an inch or two.

  • Test the soil with your finger before watering—the top inch should feel dry (approximately up to your first knuckle). If in doubt give it a couple days to dry out.

  • Soil should be slightly damp at all times, but not soggy wet because begonias are very sensitive to overwatering and can easily develop root rot.




Bird of Paradise