Cast Iron Plant

Cast Iron plant one of the most sturdy houseplants. For the busy plant parent who wants some greenery in their home. This slow growing houseplant requires little love. Many novice houseplant lovers tend to add this to their collection so they can get use to the nature of caring for a plant . Do not over care for this plant!

Light -  

Indirect bright light  - north/east-facing windows or shaded south- and west-facing ones, or a few feet back from a unshaded south- or west-facing window.

Low Light Tolerant - north/east-facing windows and offices with fluorescent lighting.

  • Cast Iron plant is one of the most low light tolerant plants. With its slow growing nature it will not our grow an area for a while.

  • Either closer to the window to absorb more indirect bright light but up to 6 ft away as long as you can still cast a shadow in the location will provide enough light. Keep an eye on how its being watered in these different locations as you do not want to overwater.

Temperature & Humidity: 

Tropical plants do best in a humid and slightly warm environment. They thrive best above 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • If your plant gets too dry, it may begin to develop brown tips on its leaves. In the event that this happens, placing it next to a humidifier will help avoid further damage to the leaves.

  • They like medium humidity, but do not require excessive humidity to do well


Water well. Check every 10-14 days.

ensuring all excess water drains and plant is not sitting in any excess water. (Always recommend pots with drainage holes and saucers)

  • Cast Iron plant do not need to be watered frequent and it is a plant that can go slightly dry between waterings. Check if the first couple inches have any moisture before you water.

  • Overwatering - can cause your plant to die, and wilted or soft leaves that have yellowed are often a sign of overwatering. It is preferable to keep your soil slightly moist, letting it dry out in between waterings and if in doubt let it dry out! Many different factors can change your watering schedule.

  • Sunlight and seasons affect how quickly a plant will drink water and you just adapt to those changes. That’s what makes it fun!



