Aloe Vera

Light -

Indirect bright light- East-facing windows or shaded south- and west-facing ones, or a few feet back from a unshaded south- or west-facing window. 

Bright light - south/west facing windows with direct light hitting the foliage 

Aloe vera needs at least 6 hours of bright light or all day indirect bright light. So a nice bright windowsill will keep your aloe full. Don’t forget to rotate ! 

  • If your aloe isn’t getting sufficient sunlight it will stretch and begin to lose its growth characteristics. So experiment and add supplemental lighting if that is the case. Also adding supports will help stabilize a top heavy aloe looking for more  light. 

  • If your aloe is turning reddish brown/ fading it could be getting too much light. 

Aloe Vera one of the most common home medicinal plants. Keeping multiple Aloe plants allows you to harvest and let them grow. Use them in smoothies or to cool a burn. Such a great plant to have especially if you have a sunny location.

Temperature & Humidity- 

Generally, temperatures between 55-80 degrees Fahrenheit are great for aloe. Dry environments are perfect places for aloe, avoid bathrooms and kitchens which tend to be more damp. 

Water - 

Check every 12-14 days. Aloe like good drainage and like to dry down between waterings.  

  • Aloe require cacti soil, which tends to provide more drainage components. Regular soil-less soil can work, but keep an eye on how long it takes for the aloe to dry down and do not over water.



